1. 11 oz. Hayes Fuel Tank
2. 3' of Medium Prather Fuel Line (Pink)
3. Nyrod for both throttle and nose-gear steering
4. (4) each6/32" x 1 ½" bolts for motor mounting
5. (2)- 2 ½" and (1)- 2" Wheels, Dubro Low Bounce
6. Axles for landing gear 5/32"
7. Axle for nose-gear wire
8. Control horn for nose gear 5/32"
9. Wing skids 3 each (1 pack)
10. Hinges15 each (1 pack) Radio South
11. Small 1 oz. Thin and 1 oz. Medium C/A along with 1 oz. Kicker
12. 4 each. Small control horns (2 for aileron, 1 for rudder, 1 for elevator)
13. Arrow shaft (2)
14. Threaded rod 4/40 for ailerons (1) 1 ft. length
15. 2 packs (4 each) 4/40 kwik links for above
16. (2) 4/40 kwik links with wire (Springs/Nutek)
17. (4) 2/56 kwik links (1 ft. lengths)
18. 4 each. E/Z connectors (throttle/nose gear)
19. (2) rolls base color (1) roll dark color (1) roll trim (Ultracote)
20. ½" x ¼" x 36" spruce wood for rails etc.
21. (2) packs (4 each) 5/32 wheel collars
22. Small aluminum fuel line filter
23. Mac Muffler
24. Acorn prop nut
25. 9 ½ x 6 Master Airscrew Prop
26. Switch harness
27. Single edge razor blades for covering.
CG - 4 3/4 inches from leading edge of wing
The following control surface settings are recommended
by the designer. They have been found to be very
aggressive. If you have dual rates or a computer radio, you may
want to start out with less throw.
3/8" Up and Down
3/8" Up and Down
21/4" Travel
It has been found that you should check both the CG as well as the roll balance. Several X700s have been found with the right side much heavier than the left.